Monday 8 September 2014

Balcony Garden (Day 2): Moving

Always changing, always learning...

I had intended on restarting my balcony garden in my Sydney apartment, in a lovely temperate zone which was quite easy and conducive to growing a garden. In fact, in the half decade that I had lived here, I hadn't had any real issues with frost, which would kill off a lot of my plants. This is how I managed to keep a tomato plant going for over two and a half years! (Even with my random absences)

In any case, life decided that things should be more challenging for me now. Due to a change of work location, I'm moving. To a place which does have frost every year. In fact, to a place that quite often has light snow every year. I'm moving to our nation's capital: Canberra.
I have to say that I'm pretty excited with the challenge. I've had it pretty easy for a long time. Now I have to learn how to grow an annual garden, to time my planting to suit the season, to maybe try my hand at growing a winter garden. It means different crops to what I'm used to, different timings to what I know. But it also means more emphasis on things like crop rotation, soil pH and companion planting. Things I've been pretty lazy about if I'm to be honest.

I also likely have to rethink the plants I'll grow, noting it's not exactly a tropical region, it probably won't support tropical style plants. We'll see what happens though.

I'm going off to plan my garden!