Thursday 9 June 2016

A change of direction

So it's been some time since I've had time to write any kind of post. I've changed quite a bit in life since then. I've started a new position which has me working up to 14 hours a day. I commenced studying, but not the Certificate of Horticulture as listed in my previous post, but an actual Bachelor of Horticulture. The technical college offering the Certificate stuffed up my enrollment so I took my business elsewhere.

I've now completed the first semester of the first year, by distance education and part time, so only two subjects - Professional skills in Agriculture and Horticulture (i.e. how to be a Uni student, write assignments, work in groups and basically suck eggs - nothing to do with actual Horticulture) and Botany - now THAT was fascinating.

I know so much more about the plant world now. And I've been applying it in some interesting ways. Just to understand down to the cellular level WHY plants do what they do when they do it; it was like a door opening in my mind, or a slow wave of epiphany. In any case, I will now attempt to start cataloging the knowledge that I picked up and write posts which include it. I've got so many projects going on, that until I nails some of them down I expect posts to be irregular. In any case, I'm pretty excited!